Saturday, June 30, 2012 make money elsewhere, to have fun doing it

So it is true. The long paycheck-less dryspell might be at an end. Today Marissa, Kyle, Heather and I led a group from MRO on a rock climbing trip to Mt. Kineo. It was a great time watching middle schoolers scramble helter-skelter over rocks, roll down hills on golf courses, and say things like "Why can't we take golf carts to the top of the mountain?" and "I'm going to take a golf cart on the highway someday." and "Can I sit on this golf cart?" to which I replied respectively, no no and no. Now finally we find ourselves out of Windfall debt and making money doing fun things like rock climbing trips. Rafting next? I think yes! Luckily, we are here working for more than just our next paycheck. We're here because we love what we're doing and wow hey, look, money comes with this? But really, I think I can say this is an amazing opportunity, working for Windfall, and now this opportunity comes with paychecks.

 Mason has been working hard spreading the word about a fun run on the Penobscot River on Tuesday to the people in The Forks. Tonight Ashley, Marissa, Mason and I threw ourselves into the crowds of drunk raft guides and customers alike at The Marshall. Here we come, Windfall, up the stairs to the bar and the bouncer just looks at us and gives us the under21 wrist bands. "You guys aren't even drinking! So easy." We've been able to make it to The Marshall at least once a week and finally faces are becoming more familiar and we're making new acquaintances and friends. We mingle and mangle and move our way through the crowds looking for familiar faces and being generally awkward because we're The Forks noobs (basically) but we march forth. Just holding a presence, being able to witness to the rafting community with our actions and just trying to be their friends, this is why we are here! We want to show people, for the most part, that Christians can have fun too, that Christianity doesn't suck. Yes, we don't do certain things, (drinking, (because of contract) smoking (because that's just dumb) or whatever) but hey, "Do you want to go raft the Nob with us on tuesday?" "Heck yeah!"

So as Mason tries to spread the word about the Nob trip I was able to contact Andrew about and it and it looks like (at the moment) he's in. So the group for the class V trip on Tuesday will include (hopefully) a bunch of people from The Forks and Andrew. I met a kid up here who works for Pro River Drivers who recognized me from UNH and at the moment he is in too. I'm not counting all my chickens just yet because in this industry things can change last second and people might have to hit the river but hopefully we can get a good group for the Nob trip. But, Don, (from Pro) is spreading the word inside Pro and to other companies in The Forks. Tonight The Marshall was packed because of a firework display that was definitely the most dangerous firework display I had ever attended. I thought I might catch fire at one point, and I can only imagine what the people who were drunk and high were thinking.

Later that night I was able to have a good talk with Landon. I told him what I was up to and he told me about what he was up to, and about his new motorcycle, and about Liz and Kaleigh and what its like to buy a several thousand dollar ring. Hopefully he'll make it up here soon. Even a good bridge jumping session with a familiar face would be fantastic, you don't have to come here to raft!

And to end on a much less exciting note I want to share the suckiest part about being here. The suckiest part about being here is that I can't share every amazing, exciting, dangerous, awesome, fantastic etc. moments with my best friends. I want you guys to come and experience how incredible it is living up here, living in the water. I've been able to do some things here that I may never be able to do again like wakeboarding, or rafting for practice as well as fun, or kayaking various rivers with an excellent guide like Mason. I just wish gas was free as floor you could sleep on in my room (guys only) and people could make it here! That is the only thing that sucks, not being able to share my adventures with my friends.

Tomorrow, kayaking. I might be kayaking the gorge, although the level will be 2400cfs, (if the website is correct) but that is still scary! We'll see how that goes. Church in the morning and then back in the water, good Sunday indeed.

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